About the Program
Our equity and liberation work focuses on supporting Black, Indigenous People of Color, poor folks, folks who are disabled/chronically ill, and the Queer/Trans Community. UPRISE does a lot of work through in person storytelling and belonging events, community organizing, and civic engagement education. The pandemic may have interrupted how we engaged, but we are survivors and so we adapt. We are now building community spaces of belonging online to decrease isolation, develop mutual aid networks, and build coalitions.
Feed Our People came out of the reality that many of us queer and/or trans Black, Indigenous, and people of color womxn and femmes are doing the labor to move our world toward collective liberation without much time or energy to care for ourselves. This project's goal is to recognize that labor and provide real-time basic needs (hot meals, grocery gift cards, hygiene items, and menstrual supplies) to those doing the work.
Feed Our People came out of the reality that many of us queer and/or trans Black, Indigenous, and people of color womxn and femmes are doing the labor to move our world toward collective liberation without much time or energy to care for ourselves. This project's goal is to recognize that labor and provide real-time basic needs (hot meals, grocery gift cards, hygiene items, and menstrual supplies) to those doing the work.
Care Kits Project
Care Kits were started as COVID Care Kits, offered to community members at the height of the pandemic, who needed extra support and connection. We continue to offer Care Kits amidst the reality that many of the supports put in place during the pandemic, fade away, but our community still deserves connection and support.
Our Care Kits are individually packed with care by staff and volunteers and mailed to folks who are doing the hard work of supporting our communities in reaching liberation. Care Kit contents vary based on funding but may include gift cards, teas, soaps, affirmations, resources, Purell, masks, self-care items, menstrual supplies if requested, and/or lotions. These care kits are intended to support Black, Indigenous, and other womxn, and femme folks of color who often go underappreciated and do the vast majority of the community care needed to keep our communities going. Care Kit supplies are limited and subject to donations. This means that they may be limited to one or two per household per year given the high demand. Kits are mailed on a monthly basis, depending on supplies and order volume. |
Meals for Organizers Project
Our meals to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community organizers during planning and organizing sessions are provided thanks to the Feed Our People Project. UPRISE has delivered sack lunches and hot meals to community partners doing the on-the-ground organizing, coalition building, and working toward liberation for our communities. All meals provided are purchased from local, BIPOC owned catering companies or restaurants.
If you have questions about the Feed Our People Project programming, please email [email protected].
Funding for this project is provided in part is from the Oregon Women's Foundation, Metro, and individual donors.
If you're able, please consider sending a cash or supply donation.